a) The water cycle shows us how water travels. This includes from lakes, rivers streams to clouds, and fog. The water cycle has steps. These steps are evaporation, transpiration, condensation, precipitation, infiltration, and absorption. Also i has surface run off and groundwater. When water evaporates it is lifted from a liquid state to gas. Surface run off is like irrigation when water runs off of one part of land into another. Condensation occurs on a glass when the water is cold and is put into warm area. Thanks to the water cycle, water occurs every

b) The flow of water between the elements of watershed are interesting. Lakes, streams, and rivers all lead to the ocean. Watershed all occurs going down stream. When the water is carried downstream it is also carried into the ground. This water is provided to humans to drink, and then is also carried into toilets and put back outside into lakes and taken to the ocean. Wetlands are also part of the water cycle. Wetlands help carry the water into the bodies of water in the world. They are also a place where many wetland animals leave so the water provides the animals with drinks and a wonderful place to live.
c) Many rivers and streams occur in the world. These are sometimes big and sometimes small.Their features include where they all start. "All rivers and streams start at a high point."(1) They all go through the process of water shed and joining together. This creates a bigger and better area of water in the water cycle. Flooding can occur in these areas as well. This would cause the rivers and streams to over flow and possibly cause damage into the world. Erosion which is when water ruins the surface of land, also is created by these things. The streams and rivers create erosion when they over flow on the land. This causes the area of land to get big holes, and a new area for rivers and streams to occur because they can create a ravine in the land. Deposition occurs naturally because streams and rivers always run over rocks causing them to be broken down. This is deposition. It is actually very good for the environment. This causes sand and stuff to be deposited on the shore at beaches.
1: http://www.nhptv.org/NatureWorks/nwep7j.htm; Rivers and streams; New Hampshire Public Television; ©2009 All rights reserved
http://library.thinkquest.org/C0110238/Lessons/2-8.htm; Rivers;Think quest team; (c) 2001
http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/earthrivers.html; Rivers and streams; Howard Perlman, Page Last Modified: Wednesday, 09-Sep-2009 08:08:27 EDT
Pic 1:www.ew.govt.nz/.../
pic 2: http://www.scionline.org/index.php/Category:Rivers_and_Streams
pic 3: www.geograph.org.uk/
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